Channel: Sorted Food
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: expensive ingredientstasting pretentious ingredientssorted foodfancy treatskitchen gadgetssea urchin pureetaste testingtonburi (land caviar)pretentious ingredientschefs vs normalsfoodie giftsfennel pollenpretentious ingredients sortedthe fridgecam showfancy ingredientssortedfood pretentioussortedfood reviewtaste testharvey nicholscaciocavallo podolicochefs reviewsortedfood pretentious ingredientsexpensive cheese
Description: To kick off a brand new season, Ben has found some potentially PRETENTIOUS INGREDIENTS for our normals, Barry and Mike, to review!! Will they be worth splashing the cash? Watch to find out! Below are links to the Pretentious Ingredients reviewed: Fennel Pollen: Sea Urchin Puree: Tonburi (Land Caviar): Caciocavallo Podolico: Wanna become an awesome home cook? Sign up to our Sidekick app and be the hero of your kitchen: #SortedFood #PretentiousIngredients #ExpensiveIngredients